What Alfuhod Delivery help you do?

Streamline the logistics

An interactive map based interface lets you streamline your entire process from allocation you dispatch and from scheduling to tracking a delivery. It enables you locate your workforce on the map in real time.

Communicate seamlessly

Alfuhod Delivery comes with an integrated 2-way notification which can be used to serve and update your customers about their delivery at regular intervals and manage your mobileworkforce efficiently with instant updates.

Take data driven decisions

Analytics and graphical report feature available within the dashboard helps you monitor performance of the workforce. Data can be used for decision making to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

Watch Alfuhod Delivery in Action!

Discover what
Alfuhod Delivery can
do for your


Professionals & Businesses of All Types Use Alfuhod Delivery

Pickup & Delivery

  • - Courier Service
  • - Alfuhod Delivery
  • - Laundry Service
  • - Field Service
  • - Grocery Delivery
  • - Food Delivery

Beauty Services

  • - Make Up Artist
  • - Wedding Stylist
  • - Manicurist
  • - Hair Stylist
  • - Aesthetician

Repair Services

  • - Electrical Works
  • - Computer Repair
  • - Appliances Repair
  • - Plumbing Repair
  • - Auto Repair

Home Services

  • - Home Cleaning
  • - Landscaping
  • - Maid Service
  • - Alarm & Security
  • - Personal Organizer

Health and Well Being

  • - Yoga Instructor
  • - Personal Trainer
  • - Family Physician
  • - Alternative Healing
  • - Massage Therapist

Alfuhod Delivery pricing

No commitment, no hidden charges and no complications; simple and transparent pricing. Your business is unique and our pricing structure is flexible. Let's get started

Driver Plan
KD 10.00

Membership Limit 10 year

All driver plan

  • - Allowed unlimited driver.
  • - Allowed unlimited Task.
  • - NO SMS Features
  • - With Push Broadcast